The Future Of Proteins

The Future Of Proteins

As the global population is on the rise, the need for food and especially protein-rich meals is increasing every day. But the current way of production is taking a heavy burden on our planet. During this workshop European and Asian start-ups and SMEs will showcase their innovations in two alternative protein technologies: single cell protein (SCP) and cultivated meat. Hence this workshop is a first step in finding opportunities for innovation collaboration between European and Asian frontrunning innovators in the alternative protein space.

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  • 09.00 Welcome & General Introduction of the workshop by moderator Emma Sidgwick, Flanders’ FOOD
  • 09.05 Presentation of the overall theme by Valerie Pang, Innovation Associate at Good Food Institute Asia Pacific
  • 09.15 Presentation of the Like-A-Pro project by CTIC-CITA (speaker to be confirmed)
  • 09.25 Introduction to Digital Master Class 1 by Moderator Emma Sidgwick, Flanders’ FOOD
  • 09.30 Presentation by Stijn Boeren, Director of Avecom
  • 09.40 Presentation by Yashaswini Balraju, CEO of Mycovation
  • 09.50 Presentation by Hermes Sanctorum, CEO of Paleo