CAFIPLA Conference

CAFIPLA Conference

The establishment of a sustainable circular urban bioeconomy requires the effective up cycling of available biomass resources, especially as biowaste flows in cities can be used for the production of value added bio based products such as chemicals, plastics or nutrients Therefore, the European Commission established already in the Bioeconomy Strategy 2018 that cities should become major circular bioeconomy hubs.

The conference will provide feasible pathways to transform biowaste into a resource/precursor for other industries via an innovative approach of the combination of a Short Chain Carboxylic Acid Platform and a Fibre Recovery.

Bioeconomy experts from Industry and Research will provide insights in biorefinery, raw material availability, technology aspects of the combined platform approaches, fermentation pathways to transform short chain carboxylic acids into added value compounds to support the implementation of a
circular biowaste based bioeconomy.

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Vitoria Gasteiz (Spain)