Cafipla 4th Newsletter

Cafipla 4th Newsletter

Not only the first half year but also summer is clearly over as we are in the middle of a very busy last third of 2022. Within the CAFIPLA project, many activities were scheduled for the past months and finally several on site events could take place – overall a lot of activities were happening: The consortium prepared the project brochure and video, launched a webinar series, successfully completed the first reporting period, met in person for the very first time, organised two stakeholder workshops in Belgium and Germany and published the first research paper. The most recent news surely is the installation of the pilot reactor “The loop” currently taking place at the test plant of IDELUX in Tenneville – we will report about this exciting activity in our next edition! Join our LinkedIn community to “stay in the loop” with updates and new formats: the CAFIPLA Podcasts are upcoming soon…

Link to the 4th Cafipla newsletter